How to Ride an Electric Unicycle

Learning how to ride an electric unicycle can be challenging to begin. Though, it is beyond worth it! It is incredibly rewarding when you begin to figure it out and better navigate it. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best tips and tricks to teach you how to ride an electric unicycle.
Some people may be confident while approaching the learning process. Though, others may be nervous. Just take your time and figure out which approach works best for you! Let’s go!

1. Prepare
Perhaps you’re looking to ride an Electric Unicycle as a new hobby, or maybe you’re looking for a better way to commute each day. No matter the reason you’re learning, you must first prepare. Electric unicycle balances forward and backwards.
It does not balance side to side. The rider needs to work on doing this in order to combine balance and momentum. It is sort of like riding a bike!
Make sure you do some research to know about your particular electric unicycle. Understand each foot pedal, handle, and whether or not your device has a cutoff switch. You must know that a big part of the learning process is falling.
Make sure that you don’t give up. After all, if toddlers gave up when first learning to walk, society would be much different. The key in this stage is to never ever give up.
To truly prepare, make sure that you do the following things:
- Wear safety gear
- Plan a location
- Get both physical and emotional support

2. Mounting and Dismounting
Many people tend to want to simply hop on and go. Though, it really isn’t this easy. Instead, break it down and focus on one skill at a time and then put it all together later on.
You have to learn to stand before you can walk. The same methodology applies to riding an Electric Unicycle. Now that you are more familiar with the device, have your safety gear ready, and have a friend with you, mounting and dismounting is the next step.
Try exercises such as:
- One foot practice- Apply downward pressure on your feet and keep the Electric Unicycle upright. Push back against your Electric Unicycle and center the wheel under you with one foot on the pedal. Become familiar with the weight and balance. Keep your back straight and knees bent. Once you have one foot on the pedal, walk or hop forward with your grounded foot like you would with a skateboard. Continue doing this until you’re comfortable.
- Two feet practice- Once you become comfortable kicking off with one foot, try mounting with your second foot once the device has successfully kicked off. You will feel a little unsteady at first. Keep doing it until you can mount both feet on the Electric Unicycle and travel several feet.

3. Riding
Now the actual riding comes into play! Make sure you have become comfortable mounting and dismounting your Electric Unicycle before continuing to this step. Practice as much as possible, even if you’re ready to move on.
Try to find a stationary object such as a handrail, wall, or lamp post and use it to mount your electric unicycle. Then, look ahead and identify a goal object that you want to ride to such as another lamp post or wall. It can be anywhere from 5 to 10 feet from where you begin.
Push off from your starting point, lean forward, and make sure not to hunch over. Make sure you keep your balance even as you try to reach your target goal. Continue doing this until you’re comfortable reaching your goal.
Put pressure on your toes to get the device moving forward. Consider moving your goals further and further away from your starting point to get more comfortable.Â

4. Put It All Together
Now all you need to do is put it all together. At this point, you should be comfortable mounting and dismounting. You should also be comfortable riding short distances.
If you have a friend with you, ask them for some support while standing behind you and gripping your shoulders or waist. Next, set a goal distance and follow this checklist:
- Kickstart for momentum
- Mount the unicycle with both feet
- Look up
- Stand up straight
- Maintain your speed
- Keep your balance
Some people will want to begin slowly, and that is okay! When you want to slow down or stop, simply transfer your weight to your heels.
The Bottom Line
When learning to ride an Electric Unicycle, you must know that it takes a lot of determination. If you ever feel discouraged, go easy on yourself, take a break, and pick it up again when you feel ready. Practice for a few minutes every day to get started.
Riding an Electric Unicycle is an excellent way to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. Enjoy the outdoor world and look cool doing it! If you’re looking to buy an electric unicycle or learn more, head into your nearest shop to get started!
If you are in the UK, and you want to try an Electric Unicycle before you buy, contact us via email at We are also located at e-RIDES HQ, located at Unit 21, Greenwich Centre Business Park, 53 Norman Road, Greenwich, London, SE10 9QF