What are the best places in the UK to ride an EUC on Private lands?

e-RIDES are micro-mobility fanatics. EUCs and E-Scooters are our thing; we set up e-RIDES to share our passion. It’s a passion that has taken us around the country with the wonderful micro-mobility community.

Until the legislation around taking EUCs and E-Scooters on public roads changes, users are limited to using E-Scooters in those towns and cities that are taking part in the government’s trial sharing scheme. And unfortunately this means that nowhere outside of England can be included, even though we’ve had some amazing days out on our EUCs in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

For a full list of where these trials are taking place, and accompanying rules, please take a look at our guide here.

So, we have selected a few of these locations as a starting point for a guide to some of the best places we have been to with our EUCs.

******* This guide assumes that you will find private land on which you can ride legally, in places that you might want to explore with or without your EUC! It is illegal to ride an e-scooter or Electric Unicycle on public road, footpaths and cycle lanes in the UK.*******

Best for flat surfaces

The City of YORK has for many years been the country’s most bike-friendly city. You don’t have to spend long in this historic city before you realise that two wheels generally rule over four in York. This makes it an obvious place to visit with an E-Scooter or EUC; plus it has been running a rental scheme since 2020.

York is also a very flat city, nestling almost at sea-level between the Dales and the North York Moors. This makes it extremely commutable and easy to negotiate…as long as you stay off the cobbled streets! So if you are just starting out with an EUC, or you just prefer easier, flatter routes, than York takes some beating.

Finally, if you’ve never visited York, then nothing will prepare you for the picture-perfect ancient streets, the number of museums and tourists attractions…and the abundance of pubs and bars!

An honourable mention to OXFORD, also on the Department of Transport list. Another flat, vibrant city which feels very EUC friendly.

Best for hill climbs

West Yorkshire is a notable exception from the government’s trial rental list, otherwise some of its hilly cities would have made this list.

So, it’s off to BATH we go! An ancient spa city in the South West of England, Bath is surrounded by some pretty gnarly hills and challenging countryside. You don’t have to travel far before you start hitting some gradients to the North, East and South of the city centre. And the city itself is one of the hilliest in the UK. Also, if you have been out on your wheel all day, what better way to relax than in a naturally heated spa!

Bath itself is a beautiful place to visit, with tourist attractions and heritage sites aplenty. Bath is situated in Somerset, which is famed for its cider. And in Bath, you are not too far away from the gorgeous countryside of Gloucester and the Cotswolds.

Best for the EUC Community

Gosh – this is going to be a contentious one! Far be it for e-RIDES to want to start an argument, but here goes anyway…

It’s a personal choice, but we recognise that BRISTOL has big love for micro-mobility. There is a vibrant EUC and E-Scooter community in Bristol, and it has been on the government’s rental scheme list since 2020. (Bristol was also named the country’s first ‘Cycle City’ in 2008)

Bristol has had a strong counter-cultural vibe for decades now; maybe it is this that gives it such a committed EUC following. It certainly means that there are communities aplenty that meet regularly in some of the city’s lively cafes and bars on a regular basis.

So, big up the Bristol massive – recently voted coolest city in the UK by The Lonely Planet!

Best for Weather

Whilst the South of France probably wins by default, it wasn’t in the UK when we last checked. So, where would you find the best weather in the UK, in a place which is EUC friendly?

Well, LONDON, as it happens, is the driest and warmest city in the UK. And, since June 2021, has had a number of e-scooter trial schemes up and running.

With a wealth of fellow EUC fanatics, you will never be too far away from a fellow member of the micro-mobility community. There are great café’s and, of course, an abundance of sights to see.

And, best of all, it’s where the new e-RIDES HQ is located too – in the heart of picturesque Greenwich!

Quick shout out to NORWICH too, which is in the top ten of sunniest cities in the UK, and has loads of great places to visit.

Best hidden gem

NORTHUMBERLAND is a jewel in the crown of the British Isles. With miles and miles of beautiful countryside, and unbroken coastal routes, Northumberland is a favourite tourist destination of many.

Northumberland offers off-roading par excellence, in amazing, untouched countryside. Within the Northumberland National Park are plenty of flat and hilly routes to explore.

If it’s something more lively that you’re after, then NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE is a short trip from Northumberland – one of biggest party cities in the UK and itself boasting miles of brilliant coastline. There’s an amazing, friendly EUC community in Newcastle, too, as we witnessed during a recent visit there. And, it’s on the government’s rental scheme list.

Not sold yet? How about some of the country’s freshest fish and chips, straight out of the North Sea.

So, we’d highly recommend a trip up North before the word gets out!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on other great places in the UK to take your EUC in the comments!